
Ice cold heart
Ice cold heart

ice cold heart

Returning to GothCorp, Batman finds Fries' lab a frozen mess and a dead guard with the same blue skin coloration as Mr.Freeze. After gathering the pieces, he discovers that the device requires a supercooled fluid, which is only found in Victor Fries' Lab at GothCorp. Interrogating the last one, he learns that the Cryo Drill was broken into two pieces. Donning the suit, Batman breaks into the nightclub and fights off Penguin's men. Traveling to My Alibi, Batman has Alfred drop the XE Suit in a container onto the rooftop. Also, that the only way to break through the ice blocking the way through and containing Penguin in is a Cryo Drill that he has his men safe guard at My Alibi Night Club. Batman intervenes, giving Freeze the chance to recapture Ferris and freeze everyone, including Penguin, although not before telling Batman that his threats mean nothing to "a man who has lost everything." Batman learns from Penguin that Freeze wants Boyle so he can access some kind of super weapon. Penguin has taken Boyle hostage and has betrayed Freeze, wanting the weapons he was promised. Getting the security codes from the main man in charge, Batman pursues them. Using the entry codes from the dealer, Batman enters the building, where he learns that Ferris is being taken to the Propellant Research Wing.

ice cold heart

Batman is confused, since GothCorp doesn't produce weapons. Batman interrogates the dealer, who reveals that Freeze made a deal with the Penguin to steal cryogenic weapons from GothCorp, in exchange for Penguin's help in kidnapping Ferris. Scanning one, he manages to track down the dealer via the leaking cryogenic gun he was armed with. Batman finds many people in the city frozen. Freeze kidnaps Ferris and escapes, forcing Batman to interrogate Penguin's henchman, who explains that Penguin's dealer may know his location. He attempts to rescue Ferris, but is frozen solid by Freeze, as Freeze had no quarrel against the Caped Crusader. Alfred and the guests are recaptured, forcing Batman to save them all. Batman makes his way back to the Manor, where the power starts to go off as the thugs start to torch the mansion. Since it's not ready to be tested, Bruce dons the Batsuit. Freeze' and Alfred suggests donning the XE Suit. Alfred watches over the guests, while Bruce enters the Batcave via the Wine Cellar. Alfred is knocked unconscious when attempting to fight back, causing Bruce to snap and retaliate by subduing them all. Bruce searches for Alfred, but is captured by Penguin's Henchmen. Penguin's Henchmen enter just as a tall, heavily armed man in a mechanized suit with a freeze ray demands to see Ferris Boyle. Just as the guests are about to celebrate, an explosion knocks people off their feet, also creating a large iceberg along with several people being frozen. We conclude that whole body protection following 3 hr of total circulatory arrest at a uniform temperature less than 5 degrees C can be successfully accomplished.On New Year's Eve, GothCorp industrialist Ferris Boyle wins the Wayne Foundation Humanitarian of the Year Award at the New Year's Eve Ceremony hosted by Bruce Wayne at Wayne Manor. Despite the improved results, it should also be noted that during pilot (Group I) studies (from which the aforementioned principles were derived) fatalities from complications attributed to systemic edema, central nervous system, or pulmonary or coagulation dysfunctions occurred in 9 out of 12 trials. However, two animals developed optic impairment and one animal died from intusseption on the fourth postoperative day. The application of these principles resulted in the long-term survival of five animals with four survivors displaying no clinically detectable neurological abnormalities. During the last seven trials (Group II) the following principles were applied: uniform whole-body cooling where differences between rectal, esophageal, and pharyngeal temperatures averaged less than 1 degree C, induction of circulatory arrest at approximately 3 degrees C, constant lung inflation (10-12 cm H2O between 20 degrees C cooling and 20 degrees C rewarming, including the 3-hr arrest period) and ventilation assistance with positive end-expiratory pressure (4 cm H2O) after 20 degrees C rewarming, intraoperative maintenance of colloid osmotic pressure (COP) above 11 mm Hg, replacement of the cooling perfusate with a colloid-rich rewarming prime (COP = 15 mm Hg) and restoration of hemostasis with fresh whole blood transfusions. All animals were resuscitated and survived for at least 12 hr. Thermoregulatory management included combined surface/perfusion hypothermia and azeotrope anesthesia in 95% O2/5% CO2. Survival following 3 hr of total circulatory arrest under profound hypothermic conditions was explored in 19 adult mongrel dogs.

Ice cold heart